Crow Core

OFF-CHAIN Participatory Crownium

These Core are direct participations with Crownium, which are off-chain assets connected to your wallet. There will be 1,000 Core, and they will earn dividends from Crownium.

They have an initial value of $CROW 3,500 tokens at market value initially. These operate on a revolutionary continuous auction technology, which means that any individual has the ability to bid to purchase them, as long as that bid exceeds the initial purchase price.

The discrepancy between the initial purchase price and the auction bid placed by a third party will be split between the Core holder and Crownium. Of this amount, 80% will be allocated to the Core holder, while the remaining 20% will be attributed to Crownium, and will buy the bidding profit on the $CROW token and burn it, this burning system would decrease the amount of token and as a result decrease the bidding, increase the value of the $CROW token. The Core is the direct connection to the company, and the key to obtaining dividends from CRONIUM's direct assets.

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